You dont have to use a wrench to tighten the oil filter. Carefully wipe away any excess oil and put the old oil into a plastic container then dispose of it. Youre done. Position your pan beneath the plug then use a socket wrench to loosen the plug, turning counterclockwise. Once youre done, put back the oil filler cap. Step one is getting ready, step two is draining the oil and changing the oil filter while step three is installing the new oil. Once loosened, you can use your hand to remove the plug and the hot oil starts pouring out. Let your car engine run for 10 minutes before you drain the oil since warm oil is easier to drain than cold. If you often drive around in hot or dusty conditions, you might even want to change oil more often than that. Next, look for the oil filter. But dont forget to clean up. Now replace the drain plug gasket and use a wrench to reinstall the plug but dont make it too tight. Make sure you park on a level surface or, if your car has a low clearance, jack it up or drive it onto a ramp.filter-cloth. (1) Getting Ready When getting ready, it is important to have the rightSludge Filter Bags company tools and materials on hand, such as jack stands, a socket set and an oil drain pan. (3) Installing New Oil Remove the oil filler cap thats located at the top of the engine. Now check for any leaks near the oil drain plug and the filter. The process is pretty simple, and as easy as one-two-three